Age 41, Male
Joined on 2/17/12
more of a John K tribute than hanna barbara, but still enjoyable, nice work
You sir, just earned yourself a new fan.
Was surprised I wasn't already following you, now I am!
Wow, very honored! thanks!
nice response jack ass, but I'm not the only one that thought this was a waste of time. It sucked, and frankly just because I dont post flashes doesn't mean my review wasn't valid dip shit.
I dont want to waste my life making cartoons especially knowing they would be bad I dont have the time, I rather make good money at my career job and spending time with my wife and laughing at GOOD flash's than your crap.
Also just because fulp gave you a thumbs up doesn't mean your flash was amazing. Frankly I question the guys ethics to allow some of the things on the site that he has like that dead girl strip club...this site has been going down for a good while now anyways it's no longer my only place to go to for a good laugh anymore.
I have a great Job and I also get paid to make cartoons and I'm not married so I can have sex with different women! I'm sorry your life sucks and the only thing that brings joy to it is stupid Flash cartoons. how sad, how very, very sad.
Who calls cartoons "flash's"? Oh, whack ass instigators. That's who. Yulfo, when someone has to turn around and count their assets to make themselves feel better than you, you're actually doing something right. :)
I doubt youa re paid that much to make cartoons you are not paid as a professional. Also pursuing the sins of the flesh isn't anything new or interesting, I get a lot more out of life being married for one thing I gain a lot of respect and income from that as well and frankly this isn't a joy for me it's entertainment which you did not do very well on. Your toon was pretty disgusting and not in a funny good way.
However you do have talent or potential to make something great wish you luck with that.
Oh and I guarantee you my job benefits a lot more than just myself and I also pretty sure I get paid quite a bit more than you do unless you make more than 30 bucks an hour that is then fine you win on that point but doubtful.
Wow, didn't know we were taking out Rulers and measuring the size of our Dicks. you seem very insecure. I don't even have to build my character up at all yet you throw your life at my face as if I'm supposed to be impress. It's very amusing. you sir are a winner indeed. Thanks for wishing me good luck, but trust me, I don't need it.
These were the shit, man. These were the things one could enjoy watching. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but these two along with Scooby Doo and the one about bears whose name I don't remember were my childhood.